Compact dechlorinator quickly dechlorinates and neutralizes pH of released water. Allows water utilities to meet regulations for residual chlorine concentration in released water. Enables contractors to quickly flush highly concentrated chlorinated water in new construction situations. Helps meet EPA, CWA and SDWA legislation for released water entering receiving streams.
Manufactured in the USA.
FLOW RATE 200 - 900 GPM.
REAGENTS Can use all commonly available disinfection and dechlorination reagents.
INLET CONNECTION Type A cam and groove hydrant adapter (FNST) and Type D cam and groove adapter. Other hydrant adapters are available.
OUTLET CONNECTION Type A and D cam and groove adapter.
For Vita-D-Chlor amounts based on a known FLOW RATE of water through the deChlorinator and a known FEED RATE of dechlorination solution (mixture of Vita-D-Chlor and water) into the deChlorinator.
For Vita-D-Chlor amounts for fixed bodies of water (when the exact FLOW RATE and FEED RATE are still unknown).
For Vita-D-Chlor amounts based on pipeline dimensions.